Amy Lyman reviews From Depression to Contentment

From the moment I saw the eagle soaring above the snow-capped peaks on Bob Rich’s From Depression to Contentment: A Self-Therapy Book, I was hoping the pages inside would be as captivating. I am not disappointed.

I personally do depression, as Dr. Rich would say. After reading this guide, I have many new tools in my belt. From self-care to spirituality, Dr. Rich draws on case studies, cultural and historical references to inspire and help the reader. There is a lot of great information in here. Be prepared to come away with quite a reading list.

Personally, I found many aha! moments. Some even brought me to tears.

The language is lovely. There is even beautiful poetry, quite a contrast to a dark, ugly disorder.

My favorite section is the one on Mitzvahs, or secret good deeds. After Dr. Rich shared his own mitzvahs, I find myself not only wanting to read more of his work but also wanting to meet him for a cup of coffee. Compassion and vulnerability shine through each chapter.

As an author with a title character raven, the fact there were no less than seven bird references is not lost on me.

A recurring theme in the book is Something works for everyone, but nothing works for everyone. Dr. Rich does a fantastic job exploring different treatment options and emphasizing the importance of good self-care.

A must read. I highly recommend this book.

Amy Lyman, Children’s book author, Lucky G and the Melancholy Quokka: How Play Therapy can Help Children with Depression

Lucky G and the Melancholy Quokka

How Play Therapy can Help Children with Depression
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Product Details
UPC: 978-1-61599-541-7
Brand: Loving Healing Press
Binding: Paperback
Edition: 1st
Author: Amy Wilinksi-Lyman
Illustrator: Leela Green
Pages: 44
Publication Date: 11/01/2020

Raves for the Raven Who is a Therapist

This book grabs you from the outset and takes you on a hopeful journey: A colorful, spunky raven (with a Ph.D.) travels to Australia to meet aquokka who has lost his true smile, finds it hard to move and isn't hanging out with friends anymore. Dr. G knows that depression is the culprit, and extends a listening ear and helping hand, all the while reassuring the quokka that lots of adults and kids feel depression, too!

"The illustrations are colorful and whimsical, and the fact that Amy takes us on a journey to Australia provides the novelty that keeps the book captivating and moving right along. I truly enjoyed reading this and I believe children with depression, and their parents, will find acknowledgment, guidance and hope in this little book. Enjoyable, informative and capable of capturing a child's imagination."
-- Eliana Gil, Ph.D., Founder, Gil Institute for Trauma Recovery & Education, Fairfax, VA

"In her latest Lucky G book installment, Wilinski-Lyman makes the concept of play therapy accessible to children and parents. Speaking from experience, and from the heart, she presents therapy as a helpful tool for kids and fights stigma against depression. Her characters are easy to relate to for children and families alike. The vivid and expressive illustrations by Leela Green make this book a visual treat for all ages."
-- Marta Manning, former president NAMI Midland, MI chapter (National Alliance on Mental Illness)

"I liked the whole story. Blue was my favorite character--I would be friends with him. I liked how Blue was sad at the start and then was happy by the end."
-- Astor, 7 years old

AMY WILINSKI-LYMAN lives in Michigan with her three awesome children: Zach, Drew, and Kendall; and her big fluffy orange cat, Marshall. Amy became a mental health warrior in 2016 after she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Through her books and online presence she wants to show parents and children living with mental illness that there is hope.

Learn more at

From Loving Healing Press

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