Nancy Schwartz on Raising a Son with Trisomy 21 / Down Syndrome

Nancy Schwartz:”Up, Not Down Syndrome: Uplifting Lessons Learned from Raising a Son with Trisomy 21″

Presented February 11, 2021
for Phoenixville Public Library

Up, Not Down Syndrome is a love letter and a map. Experience how it feels to think your life is over after having an unlovable baby. At first the loss seems impossible to overcome. Alex becomes Nancy’s greatest teacher. Love is stronger than fear. Everyone has gifts. The book consists of three parts: the story, the lessons Alex taught Nancy, and Alex’s perspective. Up, Not Down Syndrome is a promise to stay positive, no matter what: up, not down. Nancy’s journey gets to the core of what it is to be human.

Nancy M. Schwartz has taught in Pennsylvania for 26 years. She holds certificates as an ESL program specialist, reading specialist, and elementary and early education teacher. Nancy’s undergraduate degree came from Temple University, and she attended graduate school at Saint Joseph’s University. Nancy spent several summers studying at the Teachers College Columbia University, Reading and Writing Project. She enjoys ballet, reading, writing, art, fashion, animals, music, and, most of all, motherhood. This is her first book. More info at​.

Snow White's Seven Patches: A Vitiligo Fairy Tale

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Product Details
UPC: 978-1-61599-206-5
Brand: Loving Healing Press
Snow White's Seven Patches: A Vitiligo Fairy Tale is a modern-day story with the classical theme of good conquering evil. You'll find the age-old ingredients of a magic mirror, poisonous apple, dwarfs, and romance here. However, this adaptation includes a vain mother who's so clouded by beauty myths that she keeps her own daughter a secret, while plagiarizing the workings of her mind. Everything falls apart when the good mirror finally speaks the truth.

  • Young readers with vitiligo will look at their own skin patches with a unique lens, finding interesting shapes and stories behind each puffy cloud of white.
  • Readers will be introduced to the firsthand-hurt that plagiarism can cause through Snow White's experience.
  • The loving dwarf family illustrates that helping people in need should be a priority in life.
  • Readers learn that not all princesses look alike.
  • The concept of "beauty is within the eye of the beholder" is exemplified by the prince and magic mirror.

    "Life is not really perfect, even if you are so-called normal. Children must grow and overcome then move on through the many difficulties that arise in their lives, some can be the lack of understanding, sympathy and acceptance. For those who are disabled in one way or another, not perfect, this can be an ongoing reality. Jewel Kats has an insight into the world of children who have life stacked against them. This is just one of her retellings of a timeless tale geared to helping others, and if it can be done, righting a wrong."

    --J.D. Holiday, author, illustrator, host of Book Garden Radio

    "Jewel Kats entertains and engages, highlighting significant issues that resonate with children and adults alike. In Snow White's Seven Patches, Jewel emphasizes how to overcome adversity with creativity. She encourages children to maintain a healthy perspective about their physical appearance. Jewel reminds us that despite wickedness, we can move on and get about the business of life, letting serendipity take us to wonderful places in hope. And just maybe what we think we might have, we will be able to achieve."

    --Carole Di Tosti, novelist, reviewer for

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    From the Fairy Ability Tales Series at Loving Healing Press

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