Victoria Constantino reviews The True Nature of Tarot — 10th Anniversary Edition

The True Nature of Tarot — 10th anniversary edition
Marvelous Spirit Press, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-61599-584-4
Paperback, 346 pp., $27.95
Reviewed by Victoria Constantino (reproduced with permission)

The True Nature of TarotReleased this year in an updated 10th anniversary edition, The True Nature of Tarot by Diane Wing is an exploration of a beloved system of divination that continues to increase in popularity and widespread use. Prefaced by eight chapters filled with guidance and approaches for beginners and seasoned tarot readers alike, at the heart of the book is an index of interpretations for each card and a compendium of card combinations with possible meanings. Chock full of helpful information and insight, The True Nature of Tarot is a valuable guide for both professional tarot readers and seekers.

An understanding of tarot as “a dynamic tool that reflects where we are on the path,” Wing notes in the book, aids us through life as we grow and seek deeper wisdom. A tool for reflection, tarot offers a method for us to connect with the divine and the truth within, to understand ourselves on deeper levels so that, ultimately, we can discover our own answers. “The ultimate goal,” Wing writes, “is self-mastery, where you do not need to consult those external to you; you’ll be able to tap into your own intuition and your own sovereign judgment. When you master yourself, you master your destiny. It will no longer be a question of prophecy, but rather creative direction.” And part of the value of tarot is as a tool that can help us to achieve self-mastery. It is a tool for spiritual growth and development, something that can guide us on our path to self-sovereignty.

Spreads, approaches to reading and interpreting cards, detecting patterns in readings, and guidance on choosing a practitioner are some of the book’s highlights. Of exceptional value is the guidance on tuning into the intuition, psychic development, and preparation techniques such as grounding. The True Nature of Tarot is packed with useful information that evidences the author’s deep understanding of tarot derived from a decades-long practice. This is a book that belongs on any reader’s or seeker’s shelf.

The "Oh, MY" in Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy, 2nd Ed

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Product Details
UPC: 978-1-61599-053-5
Brand: Loving Healing Press
Binding: Paperback
Edition: 2nd
Author: Laurie Zelinger
Pages: 34

Synopsis: More than 200,000 tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies will be performed on children this year. Will you be ready?
The new 2nd Edition of this bestselling book helps parents understand and organize the necessary medical and emotional components that accompany their child's surgery. In an easy to follow timeline for events prior to and following a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy, the author provides reassuring and accurate guidance that eases the process for the patient and family. Parents with this book will:

  • Get the facts about tonsils and adenoids in simple terms
  • Reduce your own anxiety about surgery
  • Learn how to support your child through the medical and emotional events surrounding the procedure
  • Take away the mystery regarding what to say to your child
  • Discover the sequence of events leading up to surgery and how to prepare for them.
  • Find out what you need to have at home while your child recuperates
  • Become confident in knowing that you have maximized your child's comfort and adjustment during the weeks surrounding surgery
  • Recognize symptoms of possible complications and take action

Professionals and Parents Praise Laurie Zelinger's Book
"In over 40 years as a practicing Pediatrician, this is the most practical, down to earth and informative approach to the impending parent-child-hospital experience with a T&A that has come to my attention."
--Philip S. Steinfeld, MD, FAAP

"My son's recovery period was enhanced by advice from the manual, and thanks to Dr. Laurie, the bonding experience it created almost cancelled out the discomfort. He is now a strep-free, healthy boy!"
--Rachayle Salzberg (parent)

"...a valuable guide for parents intending to provide emotional preparation and support to a child about to undergo a surgical procedure."
--Richard H. Wexler, PhD President, New York State Psychological Association (2008)

"This book is a great tool to help you understand what will be happening to your child, why they are performing the surgery, and what you need to know to be better prepared in caring for your child after the surgery is performed"
--Danielle Drake for Reader Views

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