Why we’re “pre-wired” for anxiety – with Fred Zelinger


Please Explain “Anxiety” to Me (Audiobook Edition)

Humans have always experienced anxiety as a defense mechanism to danger, says Fred Zelinger, a Cedarhurst psychologist. “Anxiety is fundamentally a survival need. If something worries us, we end up doing something to be safe, to avoid the danger,” he says.

But it’s no longer a sabre-toothed tiger that’s the threat, Zelinger says. Now it’s COVID-19, and the “doing something” might be frantically searching for hand sanitizer or stocking up on food in case of a quarantine.

“Will I be safe?’ That’s what this is all about,” agrees Deborah Serani, a psychologist in Smithtown who teaches at Adelphi University. Catastrophizing–mentally jumping right to the worst-case scenario–is at the root of much of this fear, Serani says. “You want to be reasonable with your thinking.”

Reasoned planning and adjustments to daily life are positive ways to manage fear, Zelinger says. “You want to regain a sense of control.”

Mary Czaja, 62, of Bay Shore, who is on disability with osteoarthritis, says she is taking some precautions such as avoiding crowds, but she’s also not “freaking out.” “I have a healthy respect for what’s going on,” Czaja says. “You always respect your enemies. The virus is the enemy.”

Read the entire article on Newsday

The "Oh, MY" in Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy, 2nd Ed

SKU 978-1-61599-053-5
: How to Prepare Your Child for Surgery, 2nd Edition
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Product Details
UPC: 978-1-61599-053-5
Brand: Loving Healing Press
Binding: Paperback
Edition: 2nd
Author: Laurie Zelinger
Pages: 34

Synopsis: More than 200,000 tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies will be performed on children this year. Will you be ready?
The new 2nd Edition of this bestselling book helps parents understand and organize the necessary medical and emotional components that accompany their child's surgery. In an easy to follow timeline for events prior to and following a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy, the author provides reassuring and accurate guidance that eases the process for the patient and family. Parents with this book will:

  • Get the facts about tonsils and adenoids in simple terms
  • Reduce your own anxiety about surgery
  • Learn how to support your child through the medical and emotional events surrounding the procedure
  • Take away the mystery regarding what to say to your child
  • Discover the sequence of events leading up to surgery and how to prepare for them.
  • Find out what you need to have at home while your child recuperates
  • Become confident in knowing that you have maximized your child's comfort and adjustment during the weeks surrounding surgery
  • Recognize symptoms of possible complications and take action

Professionals and Parents Praise Laurie Zelinger's Book
"In over 40 years as a practicing Pediatrician, this is the most practical, down to earth and informative approach to the impending parent-child-hospital experience with a T&A that has come to my attention."
--Philip S. Steinfeld, MD, FAAP

"My son's recovery period was enhanced by advice from the manual, and thanks to Dr. Laurie, the bonding experience it created almost cancelled out the discomfort. He is now a strep-free, healthy boy!"
--Rachayle Salzberg (parent)

"...a valuable guide for parents intending to provide emotional preparation and support to a child about to undergo a surgical procedure."
--Richard H. Wexler, PhD President, New York State Psychological Association (2008)

"This book is a great tool to help you understand what will be happening to your child, why they are performing the surgery, and what you need to know to be better prepared in caring for your child after the surgery is performed"
--Danielle Drake for Reader Views

Learn more at www.DrZelinger.com

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The "Oh, MY" in Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy, 2nd Ed

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