Please Explain “Time Out” to Me!
Children are expected to follow the rules except when they don’t. Jackson is a typical boy who has his good days and not so good ones. At times his temper flares and instead of close his eyes and counting to ten or just taking a deep breath to calm down he explodes. He can hit or fight with the person who gets him angry or yell and scream. When this happens in school he winds up sitting in the time out chair to help settle him down but the expression on his face says it all.
Jackson hates homework, waiting for things he wants and like a lot of children doing chores. His bedroom is his center and when he gets sent there it’s okay because he can discuss his problems with his pet fish, Dragon.
Little brothers can be a pain and when Jackson uses his Legos to build an amazing tower to show his mom the end result was his brother wanted to help but all chaos broke out and no more tower, but two big time outs. One for him and one for his brother. The illustrations are perfect and you can see their facial expressions. Jackson’s time out was longer because he had to show better behavior.
Mom needed time herself to cool off and then they had a talk about why she was disappointed and how he could handle things the next time he was boiling mad. The rest of the day you can read for yourself as there were good times and boring ones but no time outs until his mother sensed an impending explosion and suggested he go to his room to calm down.
The authors created an inventive way for Jackson and other children to release their anger and tension without hurting themselves or anyone else. The Frustration Fixer Box that he made with his dad was the answer. On page 26 Jackson will share with everyone what he put in it and then you can create your own.
After letting out his anger he went and said his sorries and he even behaved for a long time. He’s a regular kid who get angry like when his parents tell him they are going to the park and they don’t go. When a friend is busy and can’t come over or when his mom says no to junk food. Find out what he does to settle himself down in page 19 that will help you too .
There is a resource included titled: Parent Guide to Effective Behavioral Management and a glossary if terms explaining different definitions for both positive and negative reinforcement. A biography of both authors and other valuable books to read on other important issues.
Laurie and Fred Zelinger PH.D created a perfect resource for parents and educators to deal with positive and negative behaviors of not only younger children but older ones too. Guidance counselors and teachers can use the behavioral management guide as well as discussion groups. So Jackson great job telling your story and even better: let’s hope in one had to Please explain time out to Jackson anymore! Told from a child’s point of view which will help children relate better to the messages in this great resource.
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