Miss Popular Steals the Show: Girls in Wheelchairs Rule! is a delightful and humorous diary account from “Bix,” a plain Jane from a struggling family trying to outdo and steal the third-grade classroom stage from Valerie, whose mother is a famous author. Miss Popular may be a wheelchair-user, but she knows how to charm the classroom, and her pink bejeweled wheelchair rules. In a pique of frustration, Bix resorts to lies to steal the limelight from Miss Popular. She also announces that she will be having a puppy shower, and everyone except Miss Popular is invited. Can Bix pull it off?
Young readers ages 8-10 will Learn the importance of honesty; Discover that being loved and being popular are not the same thing; Find out how even a small act of kindness pays big dividends; Learn how to rise above circumstances to be a better person. While especially recommended for school and community library collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that “Miss Popular Steals the Show: Girls in Wheelchairs Rule!” is also available in a paperback edition (9781615992362, $14.95) and in a digital book format (Kindle, $4.20).