Diana Raab Healing Thousands via Memoir Writing and Therapeutic Writing on DailyOM

Loving Healing Press (LHP) publishes work that promotes self-healing, liberation and empowerment. By writing empowering and helpful books, many of its authors make a difference in the lives of readers.

Diana Raab (MFA, PhD) is a prominent LHP author who has inspired and motivated thousands and thousands of readers and writers via her writings, poetry and workshops. She is an award-winning writer and practical educator who helps her audience by teaching memoir writing and writing as therapy. She teaches two courses on DailyOM, Write. Heal. Transform: A Magical Memoir Writing Course and Therapeutic Writing, which are the site’s top two writing courses. In recent months, Raab’s online course in memoir writing has been ranked #1 of all DailyOM courses.

Diana Raab, author of Writing For Bliss series

More than 12,000 people have enrolled in Raab’s online courses. Write Heal Transform. As the course title implies, it serves as a hands-on guide to healing and transformation through writing one’s own memoir. The eight-week course consists of eight lessons (one lesson per week) that teach the basics of memoir writing and the ways in which this type of writing cultivates self-awareness and using one’s voice to speak one’s truth. In short, Diana Raab’s course helps wounded healers become storytellers. Her new course, Therapeutic Writing, is an empowering ten-day course guiding and supporting participants in using writing as a therapeutic tool to individual self-exploration.

A unique feature of DailyOM courses is that the price is not fixed, and those interested in taking them can pay what they can afford, starting from as low as $15 up to $50; the same material is available to those taking the course – regardless of what payment option they choose. The course page reads:

We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

When asked about the most important takeaways from her courses, Raab said, “There are a few salient points that I emphasize in all my workshops, whether it’s memoir writing or writing for healing, and whether it’s an in-person or an online course. First, writing is a process.  Second, it’s important to enjoy the process or journey without focusing on the destination (possible publication), because this can detract from the creative aspect. Third, it’s important to write without fear. Writing our personal stories can be scary and daunting. It’s important to drop the fear and just write. As my first writing mentor told me, “Let it rip.”

Readers can learn more about Diana Raab and her work via www.dianaraab.com.

Writers On The Edge: ...Addiction and Dependency

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Product Details
UPC: 978-1-61599-108-2
Brand: Modern History Press
Binding: Paperback
Edition: 1st
Author: Diana Raab

Writers On The Edge offers a range of essays, memoirs and poetry written by major contemporary authors who bring fresh insight into the dark world of addiction, from drugs and alcohol, to sex, gambling and food. Editors Diana M. Raab and James Brown have assembled an array of talented and courageous writers who share their stories with heartbreaking honesty as they share their obsessions as well as the awe-inspiring power of hope and redemption.

"Open to any piece in this collection, and the scalding, unflinching, overwhelming truths within will shine light on places most people never look. Anyone who reads this book, be they users or used, will put it down changed. And when they raise their eyes from the very last page, the world they see may be redeemed, as well." --Jerry Stahl, author of Permanent Midnight

"Writers On The Edge is a thoughtful compendium of first-person narratives by writers who have managed to use their despair to create beauty. A must-read for anyone in the recovery field." --Leonard Buschel, Founder, Writers in Treatment

CONTRIBUTORS: Frederick & Steven Barthelme, Kera Bolonik, Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, Maud Casey, Anna David, Denise Duhamel, B.H. Fairchild, Ruth Fowler, David Huddle Perie Longo, Gregory Orr, Victoria Patterson, Molly Peacock, Scott Russell Sanders, Stephen Jay Schwartz, Linda Gray Sexton, Sue William Silverman, Chase Twichell, and Rachel Yoder

About the Editors

Diana M. Raab, an award-winning memoirist and poet, is author of six books including Healing With Words and Regina’s Closet. She’s an advocate of the healing power of writing and teaches nation-wide workshops and in the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program.

James Brown, a recovering alcoholic and addict, is the author of the memoirs, The Los Angeles Diaries and This River. He is Professor of English in the MFA Program in Creative Writing at California State University, San Bernardino.

From the Reflections of America Series

Modern History Press www.ModernHistoryPress.com

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