Laurie Zelinger featured on Jay Asparro and Jennifer Kurtzman “IG Live”

Jay Asparro and Jennifer Kurtzman host a weekly Instagram live series Monday nights 8:30 PM – the mission is all about “doing good”, mindset, motivation, and supporting caregivers navigating through Alzheimer’s and Dementia.  Jay is an ultra-runner, running his 7th Annual Ann Asparro Run 100 miles of hope October 2022 to raise awareness and honor his late grandmother Ann Asparro.

Weekly Jay and Jennifer bring guest speakers on their popular IG Live Series that provide tips, tools, comfort and a sense of community among their expanding “village” for caregivers. This year they are laser focused on reaching MORE caregivers, doing good and helping more people.

Monday January 31st – a special guest  Dr. Laurie Zelinger, PH.D Board Certified Psychologist for Children, Former Caregiver, and Author of Please Explain Alzheimer’s Disease to Me: A Children’s Story and Parent Handbook About Dementia.

The Instagram Live is a conversation where parents and/or grandparents can watch or can ask questions in the chat for Dr. Zelinger to answer. This is a resource to help explain Alzheimer’s and Dementia to young children. The goal is to help more parents and grandparents with children ages 4 – 8 years old with helpful tools on how to help explain this complicated disease.

To hear the conversation: Follow @Jayasparro7 on instagram and at 8:30 PM EST Monday you will see that he is live!! Click on him and enjoy…For those who can’t tune in live; the conversation will be saved on @jayasparro7 IGTV with a library of other caregiver resources.

You can check out more of the work Jay and Jennifer are doing in the community on IG @Jayasparro7





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