Reader Views on 101 Tips to Lighten Your Burden by Jennifer Bonn

101 Tips To Lighten Your Burden

Jennifer Bonn
Loving Healing Press (2021)
ISBN: 978-1615996094
Reviewed by Diana Coyle for Reader Views 5/2022

In “101 Tips To Lighten Your Burden,” Jennifer Bonn enlightens her readers with plenty of tips, 101 to be exact, in helping us try to deal with the obstacles we are facing and burdens we may be carrying on our shoulders throughout our life journey. She sets out to help her readers discover new coping techniques to help make their difficulties more manageable. In supplying these tips, she also has reassured us that we are not alone in our journey. Just to know that others may be going through similar situations is comforting.

One of her points that really resonated is, “Believe You Can.” The author explains that although many people would rather avoid trying something new and failing at it, it is a necessity in life for us to step out of our comfort zones from time to time in order to change and grow as individuals. In doing so, we start projecting positivity in our thoughts, and it strengthens us as a whole and helps us continue to grow and move forward past our obstacles. One small step leads to the next transformational step.

Another point I love is, “Do Not Allow Anyone to Limit You.” In a nutshell, if anyone tells you that you can’t pursue your dreams or go after a career you always wanted, then work at proving them wrong. If you don’t have supportive people surrounding you, then find people who will support you and watch out for you while you work toward your dream. Don’t ever let anyone sabotage your hopes, dreams, and desires.

“Dare to be Different” is yet another one I love because as the author wrote, if we were to all be the same, we would just be carbon copies to each other. How boring would that be if we were all the same? Being different is how we all learn and grow in our environment. Instead of wanting the same hairstyle or clothes etc. dare to be different—in positive ways, of course.

One of my favorites is: “Music is a Healer.” How many times did you realize you were having a bad day and by listening to your favorite music, you eventually relaxed and found your mood changed as well? I know I can surely recall many times when I was down and needed to be uplifted a bit or I was having a bad day and I turned out to have a better mood after listening to my favorite songs. Music has power to it that can not only help you, but heal you as well.

Even though I mentioned all the above as important takeaways to me, my ultimate favorite from this book is: “Spending Time with Animals Is Good Therapy.” I am an only child and always had animals in my life, no matter what age I was. I always relied heavily on my relationships with all the animals in my life. To this day, that still holds true, the only difference being there’s only one animal in my life now instead of the menagerie I had surrounding me as a child. No matter my mood, I love being around my Labrador Retriever. We have an undeniable bond together and we’re so close, we both know what the other will do before we do it. No matter what my mood, I gravitate being around him as my comfort and I find he grounds me. My life’s journey wouldn’t be where I am now without his unconditional love and support he’s given me throughout the years. He is truly my best friend!

Overall, I really enjoyed “101 Tips To Lighten Your Burden,” by Jennifer Bonn and learned a few pointers along the way. The author’s easy, conversational tone and her offerings can be applied to young and old. This would make a great book to not only re-read from time to time but also it would be a wonderful gift to give someone special in your life. I highly recommend it!

Dos Idiomas, One Me

A Bilingual Reader
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Product Details
UPC: 978-1-61599-544-8
Brand: Loving Healing Press
Binding: Paperback
Edition: 1st
Author: Maggy Williams
Pages: 32
Publication Date: 11/01/2020

Dos Idiomas, One Me is the story of a young girl who feels torn between two languages. At home, she speaks Spanish, at school, she speaks English, and she finds herself resenting the fact that she has to translate her thoughts and feelings. Then, she realizes that being bilingual is a gift. She begins to have fun navigating the space of inclusivity and starts to relish the role of teacher and translator.

By equally incorporating Spanish and English, Dos Idiomas, One Me promotes biliteracy. As young readers see their experiences reflected in the story of another dual-language speaker, they can feel encouraged to embrace all aspects of themselves

“A charming book depicting bicultural identity. Maggy Williams takes the reader into the struggle and joy a child experiences while not feeling ni de aquí, ni de allá, and yet from both sides.” – Anel Duarte, artist and poet

“Such a unique, inspiring story that captures the heart within seconds of reading! A powerful, dynamic rendition of what it means to be a bilingual child. Every family should read it!” – Sabrina Suarez, artist, advocate, and community leader

“Esta pequeña historia guarda un gran tesoro. Para todos los niños que tienen la gran oportunidad y capacidad de aprender dos o más idiomas a la vez, de una forma natural. Que puedan apreciar y sentir la fortuna de ser completamente bilingües desde una edad temprana. Una ventaja con la que contarán el resto de sus vidas y que podrá ser de gran ayuda para ellos mismos y muchos otros a su alrededor. Un lindo recurso para todos los padres que quieren enseñar a sus hijos la riqueza de formar parte en varias culturas a la vez.” – Irma Erichsen, author and artist

Dos Idiomas, One Me illustriously guides young readers and their grownups towards understanding that differences make us unique and special. Beautifully written!” – AnnaMarie Jones, co-creator of the Demystifying Diversity Podcast.

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