Amanda’s Fall
Resources are amazing as the author shared valuable information for parents and caregivers related to TBI : defining it, causes , signs and symptoms, facts we all need to know tips for coping with TBI and tips for teachers of TBI survivors and other resources. Author Kelly Bouldin Darmofal includes a special excerpt from her title: 101 tips for recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury in an appendix.
This is an excellent resource for parents, nurses in schools, doctors, students, parents and caregivers which will provide the right protocols when needed if someone has an unfortunate accident or fall and had a TBI. It’s great for teachers and parents to talk with children and students about playing safely and wearing the proper gear for sports. Outstanding story and informative. TBI is something close to home and learning more about what could have been done to prevent it and the valuable resources the author shares which is why this book an important resource that everyone should keep close by.