Miss Popular Steals the Show: Girls in Wheelchairs Rule! is a delightful and humorous diary account from “Bix,” a plain Jane from a struggling family trying to outdo and steal the third-grade classroom stage from Valerie, whose mother is a famous author. Miss Popular may be a wheelchair-user, but she knows how to charm the classroom, and her pink bejeweled wheelchair rules. In a pique of frustration, Bix resorts to lies to steal the limelight from Miss Popular. She also announces that she will be having a puppy shower, and everyone except Miss Popular is invited. Can Bix pull it off?
Jewel Kats
Jewel Kats struggled with physical disabilities her whole life after surviving a car crash at the age of 12. Her books for children focus on the power of love and courage to conquer life's obstacles, no matter what your mental or physical condition.