Seattle Book Review on Robin Marvel’s “Framing A Family”

Raising a family is tough. Some would argue that it’s one of the toughest jobs around, mostly because it has such a life-changing impact on not just the individual but the entire family. Robin Marvel can and does attest to the toughness of family life. She has written Framing a Family as a way of “building a strong foundation to raise confident children.”

It’s important to remember that when kids are young, they are continuously learning, with the most influence in their life coming from their parent(s). Marvel has much experience on this topic, having started her family at a young age and lived through many tough situations in her home and personal life.

I appreciate how throughout Framing a Family, the information that Marvel provides is on point and concise. The book is not lengthy, but the information provided in it covers what is needed to build a solid foundation for your child(ren) for their future. Much of the information pertains to the parent and how they need to understand themselves before they can fully understand their child. The advice is relevant to current events and more than helpful for any parent.

Reviewed By:

Robin Marvel

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Life Check
Life Check
Life Check


Author Robin Marvel
Star Count 4/5
Format Hard
Page Count 92 pages
Publisher Marvelous Spirit Press
Publish Date 22-May-2020
ISBN 9781615995202
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue August 2020
Category Parenting & Families


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