Cyrus Webb reviews Demystifying Diversity

When it comes to the topic of diversity it can honestly go in so many directions. What I would say about Daralyse Lyons’ new book Demystifying Diversity: Embracing our Shared Humanity is that she strives to break it down to more than a US against THEM and see the why.

Through the interviews and her own personal observations we see how being singled out or labeled as impacted others. It also does something I wasn’t expecting. It turns the tables repeatedly on the reader, forcing us to ask what would we do or who would we be. In horrific events in history would be the one who was the oppressed or would we be the oppressor? Would we stand up for what is right or will be stay by? These questions are difficult but necessary if we are going to see things really move forward in a positive (and productive) way.

There’s another thing that Daralyse discusses in the book that is sure to step on some toes. I know it did mine. That being the words we use to categorize things, like being “good” for eating a salad or “bad” for not. The impact of what we say as well as what we do can impact the way people see themselves and feel about themselves.

Bottom line is we’re ALL a work in progress. This book challenges us to identify the work we ALL have to do and get about doing it.

Demystifying Diversity Workbook

Embracing our Shared Humanity
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Product Details
UPC: 978-1-61599-536-3
Brand: Loving Healing Press
Binding: Paperback
Edition: 1st
Author: Daralyse Lyons
Pages: 76
Publication Date: 10/1/2020

Through empathy and understanding, we can create a more inclusive world. But empathy and understanding are not purely intellectual—they require application. In the Demystifying Diversity Workbook, Biracial journalist Daralyse Lyons offers tangible tools for moving beyond biases and increasing one's capacity for connection. This workbook is meant to act as a companion to Demystifying Diversity: Embracing our Shared Humanity, in which Daralyse Lyons reveals her most important takeaways from her interviews with more than 100 individuals about a variety of topics related to diversity, equity and inclusion. Here, you are invited to go deeper, to move from awareness to action and to develop your capacity for authentic connection. It is in this space that empathy and equity become possible.

"We're Venn diagrams in Venn diagrams. And so, if you can't find those connections, it means you're not looking."
-- Alisa Kraut, assistant curator at the National Museum of American Jewish History

"Every single one of us is personally implicated in this."
-- Cinder Kuss, liberation and social justice activist

"I don't think you can be an honest observer of the human condition without being overwhelmed at times by the cruelty that gets visited onpeople; this seems to be so counter to who we are. We're beautiful.Every one of us is beautiful. There is nothing like a human being in this world that we experience. We are remarkable."
-- Dennis Moritz, poet and playwright

"Demystifying Diversity: Embracing Our Humanity is an important step in our collective, arduous, complex journey towards inclusivity."
-- Kyle V. Hiller, award winning arts & culture journalist, interdisciplinary artist, author of The Recital

Learn more about the Demystifying Diversity project and podcast at and connect with the author at

From Loving Healing Press

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