Cyrus Webb reviews Demystifying Diversity

When it comes to the topic of diversity it can honestly go in so many directions. What I would say about Daralyse Lyons’ new book Demystifying Diversity: Embracing our Shared Humanity is that she strives to break it down to more than a US against THEM and see the why.

Through the interviews and her own personal observations we see how being singled out or labeled as impacted others. It also does something I wasn’t expecting. It turns the tables repeatedly on the reader, forcing us to ask what would we do or who would we be. In horrific events in history would be the one who was the oppressed or would we be the oppressor? Would we stand up for what is right or will be stay by? These questions are difficult but necessary if we are going to see things really move forward in a positive (and productive) way.

There’s another thing that Daralyse discusses in the book that is sure to step on some toes. I know it did mine. That being the words we use to categorize things, like being “good” for eating a salad or “bad” for not. The impact of what we say as well as what we do can impact the way people see themselves and feel about themselves.

Bottom line is we’re ALL a work in progress. This book challenges us to identify the work we ALL have to do and get about doing it.

Editing Tips + Book Proposal

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What a frugal deal! TWO of the most popular little books from Carolyn Howard-Johnson. Regularly $8.95 EACH you can get BOTH for the low, low price of $11.95.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson picks the trip-you-up words that her clients struggle with and puts them in a quick reference guide

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This booklet from Carolyn Howard-Johnson, a UCLA Extension Writers' Program instructor for nearly a decade, helps authors love the project they most love to hate--writing a book proposal. She has taken the guessing out of the book proposal process. Now there is no need to take expensive, time-consuming classes or spend hours reading a tome to find the voice and format that will propel an author's idea from a dream to reality. This slim book and thirty minutes will do it.Randy Eller, speaker and CEO of Eller Enterprises, says, "There is only one thing you need to learn from Carolyn Howard-Johnson to succeed...everything she says!"

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