Quotidian Tales reviews Power Down & Parent Up

The book “Power Down & Parent Up,” by Holli Kenley – says it is all about cyberbullying, screen dependence, and raising tech-healthy children.

That reminds me of what my six-year-old had asked Santa as his last year’s Christmas present – a tablet. Santa might give her a tablet this Christmas, but that keeps us, parents, on our toes thinking about whether it will be appropriate for the little one.

Presently, technology has become a boon and a curse in itself. No wonder parents struggle to understand what to do and what should be the limitation imposed on kids to use it. It’s a constant hassle between kids and parents. Let alone when it becomes a demand and addiction for these little ones. Can you even imagine the vast virtual world they get exposed to and how vulnerable they are there?

Holli Kenley‘s book analyzes, resolves, and tackles such daily hassles giving parents the upper hand when dealing with kids and technology. A book you can pick up for resolutions when you see your kid spending hours on a gadget, and you have no clue how to handle it?

This book also meticulously explains the psychological and emotional effects, brain damage, and cognitive impacts of extensive screen dependence. Understanding these effects and discussing them with your kids will help them and yourself steer through these prolonged screen exposures more efficiently and on healthy terms.

Finally, the note on which this book ends is just so meaningful in today’s world.

Let’s show our kids they matter more than our screens.

That is just about when we parents can take exclusive control of the situation. Our author says – Together, we can protect, intervene, and prevent cyberbullying. We can address and correct unhealthy attitudes, behaviors, and feelings that promote screen dependence. We can raise tech-healthy children!

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Let’s keep this book with us and raise healthy kids without being harsh or denying their wishes. Let’s Power Down and Parent Up!

Power Down & Parent Up Review

Rather imply that families can return to some idealistic less complicated time without Facebook, sexting, social networks, and Twitter, and whatever else comes along, Kenley’s booklet will help parents mitigate possible harm to their children as they integrate this technology hopefully into healthy lives and relationships.
Ronald Mah, M.A. LMFT, author of Difficult Behavior in Early Childhood and The One Minute Temper Tantrum Solution

Holli addresses children’s readiness for technology as well as rules, contracts and education for parents to consider for their children as they introduce or allow entry of new technology into their lives. Cyber bullying and victimization are concerns addressed as well as internet resources for parents, with tools for protection, interventions and prevention–a must for parents in our technological world.
Lani Stoner, Marriage and Family Therapist

By: Quotidian Tales.   Read the complete review on our site

Lumberjack [PB] -- RESALE ONLY

SKU RESALE-978-0965057738
Inside an Era in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan - 70th Anniversary Edition
Product Details
UPC: 978-0965057738
Brand: Modern History Press
Binding: Paperback
Edition: 70th Anniversary
Author: William S. Crowe
Winner--Best Biography/Memoir of 2002, Midwest Book Awards (St. Paul, MN)
A firsthand account of the lumbering era during the white pine boom years of the late 1800s - early 1900s in the northern U.S. Millions of board feet of logs were cut in deep woods camps, driven down the rivers to the sawmills, and shipped by schooner and barge to build a nation. This edition includes 78 historical photographs and illustrations, a glossary, editors' notes, maps, and much more.

“The lumber barons, the lumberjacks, and the town people who worked in the mills—as well as the happenings of that period… are recalled by one who lived among them. I hope it will be an inspiration to others to set down their memories of the days of falling pine and belt-driven sawmills. Already too much of this story has passed beyond recall... a valuable addition not only to the history of Manistique, but to the state as well.” --Ferris E. Lewis, Michigan History, Lansing

“An authentic first-hand account… which tells the whole story of big-scale lumbering during the 1890s and early 1900s. Chapter by enthralling chapter, Crowe recounts the times involved in the ‘big pine’ operations… it rivals anything so far written… rich in description and alive with thrilling episodes.” --Marquette Mining Journal

"First-hand accounts of the dramatic 'big cut' by participant-observers are always illuminating. William S. Crowe's reminiscence of his years in the woods and the early days of Manistique, at the north end of Lake Michigan in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, was a classic in the 1950s. His granddaughters Lynn McGlothlin Emerick and Ann McGlothlin Weller have done a real service by republishing his book with ample photos and notes." -- Mary Hoffman Hunt, Midwestern Guides

"Focusing on Manistique and meticulously researched, Lumberjack explores the early days of logging and the lifestyles of the countless loggers that filled the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. William Crowe, the author, was a logger himself who collected and relates real stories from the men who were there. This is a mandatory book for anyone interested in the history of the Upper Peninsula. --Mikel B. Classen, author - Historian, True Tales: The Forgotten History of the U.P. and Faces Places & Days Gone By: A Pictorial HIstory of the U.P.

From Modern History Press www.ModernHistoryPress.com
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Lumberjack [PB] -- RESALE ONLY

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