Reader Views on  Life Skills: Improve the Quality of Your Life with Applied Metapsychology, 2nd Ed

Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (1/2023)

5 Stars — Relieving pain from past traumatic events and moving into a more fulfilling life.

Life Skills: Improve the Quality of Your Life with Applied Metapsychology, 2nd Edition,” is part of the Explorations in Metapsychology five book series. In this updated edition, author Marian Volkman provides readers with steps to use to enrich the quality of their lives. This will help them relieve pain from past traumatic events and move forward into a more fulfilling life. The techniques presented will enable us to help ourselves and also improve our relationships. The Applied Metapsychology (AMP) techniques are person centered. It is up to the reader to do the work that is presented in the exercises.

“Life Skills,” is written in a warm compassionate manner that is easy to follow. I felt like the author was speaking directly to me.  Each chapter has a series of inner-directed exercises that will helped me apply the information being discussed to my own thoughts and experiences. I found the exercises to be introspective and valuable. I feel that it is very important to use a journal as a tool so that I can reflect back on what I wrote as I went through the initial process. I hope to use “Life Skills,” as a tool that will be used, in the future, as I feel the need.

While most of the material is timeless, having an updated edition is extremely helpful, especially dealing with traumatic stress regarding recent emotional or physical events, such as one caused by a pandemic. As a counselor, I see that many of my students, friends and colleagues have been seriously impacted from the traumatic stress caused by the pandemic, especially because my county was the epicenter at one point. They have been affected in many ways, including financial and emotional from isolation or loss of loved ones, and from their own health issues. I was reminded to use awareness rather than judgement when observing how another person reacts to situations. This helps me not take things so personally. I also feel that these people would benefit greatly with AMP!  “Life Skills: Improve the Quality of Your Life with Applied Metapsychology, 2nd Edition,” is a valuable work for practitioners who are interested in learning more about facilitating AMP. Readers who are seeking to improve their quality of life will benefit greatly as well. I feel this would be an excellent resource for a study group. I would have enjoyed listening to the experiences and perspectives of others as I went through the exercises. This work, plus a journal, would make a valuable gift!

Life Skills: Improve the Quality of Your Life with Applied Metapsychology
Marian K. Volkman
Loving Healing Press (2022) ISBN: 978-1615996803

Please Explain Divorce to Me!

SKU 978-1-61599-780-0
Because My Parents Are Breaking Up
Product Details
UPC: 978-1-61599-780-0
Brand: Loving Healing Press
Binding: Paperback
Audiobook: Audible, iTunes
Edition: 1st
Author: Laurie Zelinger
Pages: 44
Publication Date: 01/01/2024

Because divorce or separation in cohabitating relationships is a family event, this book was written for both children and adults. Gently telling their children that they will be getting a divorce, a mother and father share their family story: the journey from their happy wedding day, through the conflict at present and into the near and reassuring future. The book's second half highlights important tips and insights for parents.

Children will:

  • Learn about the divorce process
  • Find out that their own parents' divorce is not their fault
  • Discover that parents divorce each other; they do not divorce their children
  • Be comforted knowing they are still part of a family who loves them
  • Understand what it is like to have two homes

Parents will:

  • Have a framework for telling their children they are getting a divorce
  • Hear the common questions children ask
  • Learn the DOs and DON'Ts regarding their own behavior
  • Improve the likelihood of creating a healthier divorce
  • Understand their children's reactions and support their emotions

"Dr. Zelinger expertly navigates the sensitive topic of divorce, providing young readers with a compassionate and understanding perspective. The book's engaging storytelling, complemented by vibrant illustrations, encourages open dialogue and empowers children to navigate, with resilience and comprehension, the emotional complexities of divorce." -- Sarah Becker, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Premium Health Center, Brooklyn, NY

"The message of Dr. Zelinger's book echoes our primary goal as divorce mediators--to assist divorcing couples to create a healthier, non-adversarial divorce for the entire family. In a gentle - albeit direct - manner, Dr. Zelinger provides a thoughtful, well-planned approach for parents to prepare their children for the news of their divorce." -- Maren Cardillo, Esq., Divorce Mediation Professionals

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