Reader Views on  Life Skills: Improve the Quality of Your Life with Applied Metapsychology, 2nd Ed

Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (1/2023)

5 Stars — Relieving pain from past traumatic events and moving into a more fulfilling life.

Life Skills: Improve the Quality of Your Life with Applied Metapsychology, 2nd Edition,” is part of the Explorations in Metapsychology five book series. In this updated edition, author Marian Volkman provides readers with steps to use to enrich the quality of their lives. This will help them relieve pain from past traumatic events and move forward into a more fulfilling life. The techniques presented will enable us to help ourselves and also improve our relationships. The Applied Metapsychology (AMP) techniques are person centered. It is up to the reader to do the work that is presented in the exercises.

“Life Skills,” is written in a warm compassionate manner that is easy to follow. I felt like the author was speaking directly to me.  Each chapter has a series of inner-directed exercises that will helped me apply the information being discussed to my own thoughts and experiences. I found the exercises to be introspective and valuable. I feel that it is very important to use a journal as a tool so that I can reflect back on what I wrote as I went through the initial process. I hope to use “Life Skills,” as a tool that will be used, in the future, as I feel the need.

While most of the material is timeless, having an updated edition is extremely helpful, especially dealing with traumatic stress regarding recent emotional or physical events, such as one caused by a pandemic. As a counselor, I see that many of my students, friends and colleagues have been seriously impacted from the traumatic stress caused by the pandemic, especially because my county was the epicenter at one point. They have been affected in many ways, including financial and emotional from isolation or loss of loved ones, and from their own health issues. I was reminded to use awareness rather than judgement when observing how another person reacts to situations. This helps me not take things so personally. I also feel that these people would benefit greatly with AMP!  “Life Skills: Improve the Quality of Your Life with Applied Metapsychology, 2nd Edition,” is a valuable work for practitioners who are interested in learning more about facilitating AMP. Readers who are seeking to improve their quality of life will benefit greatly as well. I feel this would be an excellent resource for a study group. I would have enjoyed listening to the experiences and perspectives of others as I went through the exercises. This work, plus a journal, would make a valuable gift!

Life Skills: Improve the Quality of Your Life with Applied Metapsychology
Marian K. Volkman
Loving Healing Press (2022) ISBN: 978-1615996803

Sherry Lynn Jones

Why you are uniquely qualified to write this book?

I can tell these stories because I have lived them and know the difference between dramatic representations and real life. Like many, I grew up watching the EMS and ER shows on television that focused on the hero aspect, providing predictable outcomes, and an unrealistic percentage of happy endings. Although television and movie depictions are more factual these days, the truth about how the emergency worker feels remains mostly hidden. My slant is in telling another side of the story: what responders think and feel during calls, how they internalize tragedy, what happens after the call, and how our world turns upside down when the patient is someone we love.

Why did you write this book?

When I tell people what I do, they focus on the gory side of life, like those who cannot look away from the scene of a bad accident. What they do not realize until it happens to them is that trauma affects someone who is loved and cherished, and lives are forever changed. I want people to see the world for a moment through my eyes, to walk with me through the broken glass, to sit next to me and hold the hand of the injured or dying, to fight against death thinking that sometimes we just might have the power to win those battles. And then I want them to see the complete lunacy of it all and laugh.

What do you think readers will get out of it?

I am hoping that readers will see emergency service workers in a new light and realize we are human, too. We have our own challenges, pains, and sorrows. We have had surgeries, major illnesses, broken bones, and our share of emotional scars. We have been in accidents, our backs are killing us from lifting, and our feet ache after shifts that last from 12 to 24 hours, often without a break. We also realize the importance of last words, how sometimes the sound of an “I love you” has to last a lifetime.

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