Fast-forward from depressed to contented in this take-charge guide to mental health

Title: From Depression to Contentment
Author: Bob Rich, PH.D.
Genre: Nonfiction/Self-Help & Relationship
Audience: Adult
Word Count: 50,000

Idea/Concept: Condemning pharmaceutical approaches in handling depression, this practical guide to self-healing presents a commendable alternative to traditional medicine. With a strong case against accepted notions about treating sadness and despondency with drugs, the book adheres to a do-it-yourself plan of action to recover from what ails you.

Prose: Gentle, candid, and easy to absorb, much like meeting an acquaintance at a café for free-flowing conversation, then a bit of structured advice, the articulate manner in which the information is conveyed may be the book’s winning attribute. A remarkable personality emerges in a considerate mode of expression.

Originality: Depression is a popular topic, leading to the publication of countless self-help titles on the subject, each with a different angle. Every proposed strategy in dealing with such a complex and distinctly individual experience will fortify some but leave others floundering, yet this title does provide assistance comparable to its market competition, emphasizing the importance of not merely treating the symptoms.

Execution: An empathetic and knowledgeable doctor reaches out from the pages of this heartfelt text, approachable and friendly. His worthwhile common sense is a gem in the psychiatric profession….

Dos Idiomas, One Me

A Bilingual Reader
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Product Details
UPC: 978-1-61599-544-8
Brand: Loving Healing Press
Binding: Paperback
Edition: 1st
Author: Maggy Williams
Pages: 32
Publication Date: 11/01/2020

Dos Idiomas, One Me is the story of a young girl who feels torn between two languages. At home, she speaks Spanish, at school, she speaks English, and she finds herself resenting the fact that she has to translate her thoughts and feelings. Then, she realizes that being bilingual is a gift. She begins to have fun navigating the space of inclusivity and starts to relish the role of teacher and translator.

By equally incorporating Spanish and English, Dos Idiomas, One Me promotes biliteracy. As young readers see their experiences reflected in the story of another dual-language speaker, they can feel encouraged to embrace all aspects of themselves

“A charming book depicting bicultural identity. Maggy Williams takes the reader into the struggle and joy a child experiences while not feeling ni de aquí, ni de allá, and yet from both sides.” – Anel Duarte, artist and poet

“Such a unique, inspiring story that captures the heart within seconds of reading! A powerful, dynamic rendition of what it means to be a bilingual child. Every family should read it!” – Sabrina Suarez, artist, advocate, and community leader

“Esta pequeña historia guarda un gran tesoro. Para todos los niños que tienen la gran oportunidad y capacidad de aprender dos o más idiomas a la vez, de una forma natural. Que puedan apreciar y sentir la fortuna de ser completamente bilingües desde una edad temprana. Una ventaja con la que contarán el resto de sus vidas y que podrá ser de gran ayuda para ellos mismos y muchos otros a su alrededor. Un lindo recurso para todos los padres que quieren enseñar a sus hijos la riqueza de formar parte en varias culturas a la vez.” – Irma Erichsen, author and artist

Dos Idiomas, One Me illustriously guides young readers and their grownups towards understanding that differences make us unique and special. Beautifully written!” – AnnaMarie Jones, co-creator of the Demystifying Diversity Podcast.

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