Amy Lyman reviews From Depression to Contentment

From the moment I saw the eagle soaring above the snow-capped peaks on Bob Rich’s From Depression to Contentment: A Self-Therapy Book, I was hoping the pages inside would be as captivating. I am not disappointed.

I personally do depression, as Dr. Rich would say. After reading this guide, I have many new tools in my belt. From self-care to spirituality, Dr. Rich draws on case studies, cultural and historical references to inspire and help the reader. There is a lot of great information in here. Be prepared to come away with quite a reading list.

Personally, I found many aha! moments. Some even brought me to tears.

The language is lovely. There is even beautiful poetry, quite a contrast to a dark, ugly disorder.

My favorite section is the one on Mitzvahs, or secret good deeds. After Dr. Rich shared his own mitzvahs, I find myself not only wanting to read more of his work but also wanting to meet him for a cup of coffee. Compassion and vulnerability shine through each chapter.

As an author with a title character raven, the fact there were no less than seven bird references is not lost on me.

A recurring theme in the book is Something works for everyone, but nothing works for everyone. Dr. Rich does a fantastic job exploring different treatment options and emphasizing the importance of good self-care.

A must read. I highly recommend this book.

Amy Lyman, Children’s book author, Lucky G and the Melancholy Quokka: How Play Therapy can Help Children with Depression

Finding Destiny: A Novel

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Product Details
UPC: 978-1-61599-299-7
Brand: Marvelous Spirit Press
Binding: Paperback

Luana, a retired psychotherapist in southern California, discovers a novel about a girl living in England in the 1970s who has been raped. As Luana devours the book, she and the young woman each share their search for the innermost harbor of women’s life choices. Even though they live in separate countries and bridge many decades in time, their individual exploration of metaphysics, spirituality, and women's rights culminates in a mysterious friendship.

Finding Destiny invites us to find inspiration and to remember the interconnectedness of all things. One question asks the reader, 'When we fall in love, where does the love come from?' This in itself is a great starting point for a reading group; I would love to discuss this question with the author straight away. Finding Destiny addresses the reader’s self-awareness, and Sinor nudges us gently to continue our journey of finding our own personal destiny. Reading the book felt like watching a movie; nail-biting moments, tears, and goosebumps--all the ingredients a good Hollywood movie needs!"

--Barbara Patterson, Soul Matters Radio, Germany

"Finding Destiny is an engaging book, exploring connections of people separated by time and space. As a woman who has experienced unplanned pregnancy, I was especially appreciative of the exploration of this theme."
--Juanita Emery, M.A., Health Practitioner

"Finding Destiny is the story of two women whose challenges and triumphs mirror each other in many ways. It is also about transformation and how to achieve it. Through this fictional story, Sinor offers an introduction to metaphysical principles that become the foundation for both women’s strength and power."
--Reverend Margaret Flick, Unity Minister

"Finding Destiny goes beneath the skin, down to the internal turmoil and sacrifices of two women a half century and oceans apart as they, with their best conscience, make life-changing decisions."
--Mary Catherine O’Heart, RN

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Visionary Fiction from Marvelous Spirit Press

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