Carolyn Wilhelm reviews The True Nature of Tarot — 10th Anniversary Edition

The True Nature of Tarot caught my eye not because I wanted to learn how to read the cards. I do not plan on being a reader or seeker for the Tarot. However, you may have heard of Tarot cards in movies, books, and conversations like me. What is it? How does it work? I just wanted to understand the process at a basic level. When the death card is pulled in a film, there is a closeup, scary music plays, and – cut scene. But is that card what the movie or book implies?

For instance, I read the book Wheel of Fortune by Theodore Jerome Cohen. I had no idea when I began reading it that a Tarot card played prominently in the plot.  According to Wing, the Wheel of Fortune card implies something good is coming, but you cannot simply wait. Or, it might indicate someone who wants to have it all. Of course, she provides more detailed information.

In the Poldark series, Agatha read Tarot cards. They are mentioned in many thriller mysteries and James Bond movies. I began feeling like I should learn more about these cards. It is probably past time.

Here are the discussion questions for this book if you read with a book club or reading friends.

  1. How many cards are in a deck? There are all sorts of decks on Amazon, for instance, that have different amounts of cards. Is there a correct number?
  2. Do Tarot cards predict the future? Do they tell people’s fortunes? Why or why not?
  3. Can you cast a spell using Tarot cards or cause good or bad things to happen to other people? Are the messages in the cards always positive? Why might negative messages hold valuable lessons?
  4. Should people make decisions based on a Tarot card reading? Is there an easy way to make a life decision using Tarot? Does the reader have the power to determine a person’s fate?
  5. What is a psychic? Did you realize all people and things have energy fields? How does a psychic pick up information about the seeker?
  6. Do the psychic and seeker have to be in the same room for a reading?
  7. Why should a seeker not take a friend or relative to a reading, even if privacy is not an issue? What can happen?
  8. How do colors, fabrics, and surroundings affect a reading? Why might a reader wear black?
  9. What is the three-step grounding method? Did you try to dump, ground, and protect yourself? If so, how did it feel?
  10. Does one Tarot deck fit all?
  11. Why is psychic development expected to take a lifetime?
  12. Why does Wing wave her right hand over a deck of cards? What can she feel? Why does she have several different decks?
  13. Are cards read left to right, like reading a book? How are they spread and read?
  14. What rules does a responsible Tarot reader adhere to, such as confidentiality and sharing sensitive information about the seeker?
  15. What should a seeker do if a reader claims to have a curse or dark cloud above them and wants money to remove it?
  16. Are readings held if the reading often confirms what the subject already knows or feels to be accurate?
  17. Why does Wing say Tarot can show the seeker deeper aspects of themselves that would otherwise take years to reveal?
  18. What are the top four highly misunderstood cards in the major arcana?
  19. Should the reader and seeker hope for a particular outcome?
  20. Wing says the light symbolizes inner wisdom and, in this state, ego is no longer needed. What does this mean?

I learned enough to realize Tarot is a complicated subject and that there is much to learn. I just wanted to know more about the topic. Other people might read The True Nature of Tarot to learn to be readers. This book provides an entire course.

Carolyn Wilhelm B.S., M.A., and M.S.

Breaking Through Betrayal: And Recovering the Peace Within

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UPC: 978-1-61599-009-2
Brand: Loving Healing Press
Are you ready to finally recover your peace of mind?

We are living in a time where betrayal abounds. Tragically, most of know or know of someone who has been scarred by the betrayal bandit.
In whatever form it takes (financial, political, personal, social, legal, environmental, cultural, etc.), no one is immune from
the infectious waves of betrayal moving through our society. Breaking Through Betrayal: And Recovering the Peace Within is for any individual who has experienced or is experiencing betrayal, who carries the wounds or scars of betrayal injury, and who is struggling to break through its bonds. Betrayal has known us far longer than we have known it; it is time to change that. Readers of this book will be challenged to:

  • Explore the different kinds of betrayal while connecting with the experiences of others.
  • Unravel the emotions and behaviors that accompany betrayal injury and explore the factors which contribute to the intensity and duration of symptoms.
  • Empower yourself by embracing an interactive healing process tailored specifically for recovery from betrayal injury.
  • Revive and restore your mind, body, and spirit through a series of activities, exercises, and self-assessments which provide tools for renewal, as well as working through relapse or re-injury.
  • Reclaim your rightful sense of self.

    Therapists Praise Breaking Through Betrayal

    "Useful for anyone caught in self-blame, shame or repeated victimization. Though almost the antithesis of my
    inner-transformation approach, this empowering 'in-control' approach can help readers take charge,
    assess injury, gauge healing and find excellent strategies to protect themselves from future trauma when
    relating to one's betrayer."

    --Beth Hedva, Ph.D. author of award-winning Betrayal, Trust and Forgiveness

    "This volume deals with the subject of betrayal, and is appropriate as a self-help
    aid for clients. It also contains useful suggestions for therapists dealing with those
    who have experienced betrayal of trust of several kinds: interpersonal, familial,
    sexual, and financial. The steps in the healing process are well outlined and make
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    --Lucy R. Ferguson, Ph.D., Member, AFTNC

    Faculty Member and Dean Emerita, CSPP, Alliant University

    About the Author

    Holli Kenley is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of
    California. She holds a Masters Degree in Psychology with an emphasis on
    Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling. For over a decade (both as an intern and a licensed clinician), Holli has worked
    in a variety of settings: a women's shelter and transitional housing, a counseling
    center, and in private practice.

    Learn more at

    From the New Horizons in Therapy Series at Loving Healing Press

    Self-Help : Abuse - Psychological

    Family & Relationships : Dysfunctional Families

    Psychology : Cognitive Therapy
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