By Ernest Dempsey
In 2021, Levy’s Pretreatment In Action offered a step-by-step manual with real-world scenarios on how Pretreatment and the Stages of Engagement play out in the actual work addressing homelessness, trauma, and loss.
Trauma-Informed Approach Seen from Diverse Expertise
Pretreatment Across Multiple Fields of Practice takes the concerned reader into Trauma-Informed Approach to homelessness and related issues. The book, co-edited with Louise Levy, features several authors from the US and UK who have implemented a Pretreatment approach and have witnessed its positive impact across a variety of settings with people who present with complex trauma and significant challenges. Their (co-authors) fields of practice include, but are not limited to Homeless Outreach, Street Medicine, Housing Support Services, Training and Education, as well as Pre-treatment Therapy. As noted in the book:
Pretreatment is both a general and flexible guide that promotes quality person-centered care without limiting the creativity of workers and clients.
Trauma-Informed Care and Relationships
In this book, Levy pays special attention to the provision of Trauma-Informed Care, which is heavily centered on interpersonal relationships. As he quotes Judith Herman (1997) on the issue:
Recovery can take place only within the context of relationships; it cannot occur in isolation. In her renewed connections with other people, the survivor recreates the psychological faculties that were damaged or deformed by the traumatic experience.
A primary focus of Levy’s person-centered approach is on preventing re-traumatization which occurs when something about the current environment triggers memories of past trauma. In sharing these details, Levy and co-authors define and explain a wide range of related psychological concepts and the role of Pretreatment in addressing the complex and multiple challenges that vulnerable people face.
Levy also contributes to others who share the mission of homeless outreach. He has pledged 25% of book royalties from Pretreatment Across Multiple Fields of Practice and other related book profits to a charity that supports the cause of significantly reducing and/or ending homelessness.
Readers can learn more about Levy’s publications and work at