LHP/MHP Catalogs updated for 2021

The Loving Healing Press and Modern History Press “Combined Catalog” has just been updated for 2021!   This handy guide is suitable for reviewers, librarians, and institutional buyers.  The catalog is sorted by Author and Title for your convenience. Please use these links to download the Combined Catalog of your choice:…

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Midwest Book Review on Alfredo Zotti’s “Music Therapy”

Synopsis: Alfredo Zotti is a professional musician and bipolar survivor with a university degree in social anthropology and three years study of psychology, provides an introduction to music theory with specific case studies of applications for Alzheimer’s, bipolar disorder, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), schizophrenia, anxiety, depression and other issues. Working…

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Midwest Book Review on The Sensory Processing Diet by Chynna Laird

Susan Bethany’s Bookshelf The Sensory Processing Diet Chynna Laird www.chynnalairdauthor.ca Loving Healing Press 5145 Pontiac Trail, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 www.lovinghealing.com 9781615995226, $33.95, HC, 224pp Synopsis: As a mom of a newly diagnosed child with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Chynna Laird relentlessly sought experts in SPD, as well as top…

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Theresa and Eric Fraser talk about adoption with Cyrus Webb

Listen to “Authors Theresa Fraser and Eric Fraser discuss book on adoption,birth family on #ConversationsLIVE ~ #childrensbookweek #adoption” on Spreaker. Leisure, #adoption, #birth_family, #childrens_book, #childrensbook, #conversations_live, #cyrus_webb Host Cyrus Webb welcomes authors Theresa Fraser and Eric Fraser to #ConversationsLIVE to discuss their book WE’RE ALL NOT THE SAME, BUT WE’RE…

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Carolyn Wilhelm on “From Depression to Contentment”

Carolyn Wilhelm’s Bookshelf  From Depression to Contentment: A Self-Therapy Guide Dr, Bob Rich Loving Healing Press 5145 Pontiac Trail, Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9627 www.LHPress.com 9781615994359, $13.89 paperback, $17.49 Audio Book, 157 pages B07PGQMP4Q, $5.95 Kindle This user’s guide begins with the thought, “You need to be crazy to stay sane…

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Midwest Book Review on Robin Marvel’s Life Check

Life Check

The Self-Help Shelf Life Check: 7 Steps to Balance Your Life! Robin Marvel Marvelous Spirit Press http://www.marvelousspirit.com 9781615995035, $26.95, HC, 104pp, www.amazon.com Synopsis: “Life Check” by Robin Marvel provides her readers with simple, effective ways to balance their lives. “Life Check” encourages us to stop asking what if and start…

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Diana Raab Healing Thousands via Memoir Writing and Therapeutic Writing on DailyOM

Loving Healing Press (LHP) publishes work that promotes self-healing, liberation and empowerment. By writing empowering and helpful books, many of its authors make a difference in the lives of readers. Diana Raab (MFA, PhD) is a prominent LHP author who has inspired and motivated thousands and thousands of readers and…

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The Prostitution, Sex Trafficking, and Healing of Native Women 

Eileen Hudon and Chris Stark are doing the following presentation for NCOSE’s online conference. If you’re interested, you can register at the link below. It’s free. Our workshop is still being posted. https://endsexualexploitation.org/cesesummit2020/ In this workshop Eileen Hudon (Anishinabe) and Chris Stark (Anishinabe and Cherokee) will outline the history of…

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Homeschool Book Review on Randolph the Christmas Moose

Reviewed by Wayne S. Walker Book: Randolph the Christmas Moose: A Yuletide Fable of Empowerment Author: Gerry Gibson Illustrator: Matt Taylor Publisher: Loving Healing Press, 2020 ISBN-13: 978-1615995004 Hardcover ISBN-13: 978-1615994991 Paperback Related website(s): http://www.GerryGibsonAuthor.com (author), http://www.LHPress.com (publisher) Rating: ***** 5 stars (5 stars=EXCELLENT; 4 stars=GOOD; 3 stars=FAIR; 2 stars=POOR;…

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How to care for your child’s emotional health during the coronavirus pandemic

Join Dr. Laurie Zelinger, board certified psychologist and credentialed play therapist; Dr. Don Sinkfield, mental health practice owner and director; and Dr. Christina Johns, MD, MED, FAAP, Sr. Medical Adviser for PM Pediatrics, as they discuss parents’ issues and concerns about caring for their children’s emotional health while being socially…

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